Enrolment Form Enrolment Year: 2025

Student Details

Mainstream School

Emergency Contact Details

Guardian Details

Primary Care taker
Secondary Care taker
Medical Detail

Confidential Medical Information

Please tick if your child has any of the following medical conditions.
Campus/Enrolment Year Level
Year Level Venue / Campus Day Time Calendar
Privacy Collection Notice - Protecting your privacy and sharing information

The information about your child and family collected through this enrolment form will only be shared with school staff who need to know to enable the community language school and Department of Education and Training (Department) to educate or support your child, or to fulfil legal obligations including duty of care, anti-discrimination law and occupational health and safety law. The information collected will not be disclosed beyond the Department without your consent, unless such disclosure is lawful. For more about information-sharing and privacy, see the Department’s privacy policy at: http://www.education.vic.gov.au/Pages/privacy.aspx

Parent/Guardian Privacy Consent and Declaration
I confirm that the information provided on this enrolment form is true and correct and I acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions of enrolment accompanying this enrolment form. I consent to:

  • collection of my child’s health and personal information by the community language school;
  • the community language school disclosing my child’s personal information contained in this enrolment form to the Department of Education and Training for data verification and funding purposes;
  • the Principal or teacher (where the Principal or teacher in charge is unable to contact me) to administer such first aid to my child as the Principal or staff member may consider to be reasonably necessary including disclosing personal and health information to professional third parties in the event of a medical emergency.
Publishing and photograph protocol permission I give permission for my child to be photographed or video recorded for the purpose of college publications.
Yes No

Tuition Fees

Kindergarten: $400
Primary School: $500
Secondary School: $600
VCE: $800

Enrolment Consent*

Certify that the information provided in this form is true and correct at the date of signing. By filling in, signing and submitting this form, I agree to abide by the above mentioned Terms and Conditions.
